Mushfiqur Rahim issues legal notice to Ekattor TV over report on “smell of spot repair”


Bangladeshi cricketer Mushfiqur Rahim has filed a complaint against the renowned media outlet for spreading false and unfounded news about him. Rahim’s legal notice is a response to Ekattor TV’s ad-fixing report during the Bangladesh-New Zealand Test series.

During the first game, a report appeared titled “Smell of spot-fixing in Mirpur Test! Doubts about senior cricketer! He focused on Rahim’s dismissal for ‘obstructing the field’. The report was broadcast on Khelajog’s Facebook page and YouTube channel on December 6.

Mushfiqur Rahim attempted to catch the ball with his hand, violating cricket laws that prohibit batsmen from touching the ball during or after a delivery. The right-handed batsman became the first Bangladeshi cricketer to be dismissed in such a manner in international cricket.

Mushfiqur Rahim mentally shattered – Shihab Uddin Khan

Reacting to the ad fixing report aired on Ekattor TV, Rahim’s lawyer Barrister Shihab Uddin Khan issued a legal notice to the channel. The lawyer claimed that the report contained criminal defamation and cyberbullying, which caused defamation and emotional distress.

“The news report has left Mr. Mushfiqur Rahim mentally shattered, who can hardly believe that a news channel as reputed and esteemed as Ekattor TV could resort to such a vile example of tabloid journalism without considering its far-reaching significance.” .

“It is submitted that the report and its publication in the aforesaid manner, where it has been viewed, accessed and downloaded by untold millions of people throughout Bangladesh and the rest of the world, has lowered our client in the eyes and esteem of the correct thinkers. persons and therefore constitutes criminal defamation punishable under Section 500 of the Penal Code of 1860 and cyber harassment contrary to Sections 25 (1) (Ka), 25 (2) and 29 of the Cyber ​​Security Act of 2023, in addition to granting our client the right to proceed against you for exemplary damages as compensation by initiating a civil legal action,” This was stated in the legal notice.

The Legal Notice demands corrective action, including immediate removal of the report from all platforms and an unconditional on-air apology on Ekattor TV. The notice maintains that the report lacks journalistic ethics and has serious consequences for Rahim’s reputation.

Also Read: “Welcome to the exclusive Mushfiqur Rahim mango ball club” – Michael Vaughan