I Zingari: colors come to sport

Zingari Australia 1889

Everyone knows that in the chariot races of ancient Rome the brigades were discerned by colors, but in ultramodern sport, the colors came from the hand of justice, and from a peculiar platoon called I Zingari.

On July 4, 1845, a group of former scholars from Harrow decided to set up a justice club. In puritanical times it was veritably common for clubs to borrow fantastic names( for the time). therefore, in football we’ve the illustration of Gitanos FC or in rugby, the Saracens( Saracens).
Precisely for the same reason as Gitanos FC, the authors of the club featured in moment’s composition decided to call themselves I Zingari( which in Italian would be Los Gitanos) it was a club without a home, without a fixed venue, that played at home. Being gadabouts like the wanderers, they decided to borrow that name, and the choice of the Italian language was made to give it an indeed more fantastic touch.

The club espoused black, red and unheroic as colors. The end was to emblematize the club’s aphorism” From the dark, through the fire, to the light”. It’s considered to be the first ultramodern sports club to borrow its own colors, although it’s believed that it was also the choice of one of the club’s authors,R.P. Long, who was inspired by the apparel of some Spanish wanderers he’d the occasion to meet.

Club rules specified that the color unheroic or gold should be placed at the top

This combination is the same as that espoused in 1861 by Richmond FC rugby( one of the oldest clubs in the sport) and analogous( without black) to that espoused a time before by the Marylebone Cricket Club, the most prestigious in England, whose color combination is popularly known as egg and bacon.

In 1888 a branch of I Zingari was born in Australia and both the English and Australian clubs are still active.